Monday, May 9, 2011

Testing 1, 2, 3, testing.

Anonymous here...

15-26-24-25 25-10-24-25-14-19-12 25-20 24-10-10 13-20-2 12-20-20-9 4-20-26 12-26-4-24 13-6-1-10 12-20-25-25-10-19 6-25 21-26-5-5-17-10-24


  1. Why do humans love codes so much?
    Do you think we can't figure them out?
    You always post the solutions in the comments anyway.
    - Indrid

  2. Not this time Zed. I've given everyone all they need to solve it. And yes I think you can't solve it Zed. Prove me wrong.

    ~Eternally Anonymous~

  3. I'm with AmalgamationSage D:

    And then you want me to do math. Algebra no less? Oy. I cheated and used an algebra solver program... but I have no idea what to do with the value of X


    My nerdly skills run more towards translating hieroglyphics...

  4. The other tag tells you what to do with the value.

  5. So...15-26-24-25 25-10-24-25-14-19-12 25-20 24-10-10 13-20-2 12-20-20-9 4-20-26 12-26-4-24 13-6-1-10 12-20-25-25-10-19 6-25 21-26-5-5-17-10-24

    10-21-19-20 20-5-19-20-9-14-7 20-15 19-5-5 8-15-23 7-15-15-4 25-15-21 7-21-25-19 8-1-22-5 7-15-20-20-5-14 1-20 16-21-26-26-12-5-19

    Answer... (without giving away too much of the code away) not very good at this kind of puzzle at all.

  6. I've had YEARS to practice my puzzle skills, I'm great at puzzles. Call me Professor Hershel Killjay Layton.
