Sunday, December 26, 2010

Something wrong in the house.

Anonymous here...

The spirits are hiding. I mean... I don't feel them around at all. Also it seems darker outside than it should be... I mean the sun is down... but I don't see any stars... and there aren't any clouds...

Soooo... I'll just be performing a little protection spell on the house then... *twiddles fingers* yeah... I'll get to that in just a second...

Once that's done I'll let y'all know how it went. (Yes y'all. I'm from the south and am living in Oklahoma right now. So y'all is appropriate... *defensive face*)

1 comment:

  1. That... Doesn't sound good. At all.

    Wanna share the protection spell? *curious*

    I hope the spirits are alright. Well... I don't really know what qualifies as 'alright' for spirits...
